

Call for papers

2022 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations (ICAMA) in Jeju Island, S. Korea Conference Theme: “New Marketing Waves in Asian Markets”

  • Date: October 27−29, 2022
  • Conference Homepage: https://kma.re.kr/About_ICAMA_2022
  • Venue: Hidden Cliff Hotel & Nature, Jeju Island, South Korea
  • Host: KMA (Korean Marketing Association)
  • Sponsoring Journals and Associations
  • Asia Marketing Journal
  • Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
  • International Journal of Advertising
  • Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
  • Sponsoring Association
  • China Marketing Association of Universities

The International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations (ICAMA) was founded by three major Asian marketing academic associations from Korea, Japan, and China, as the first international marketing conference by Asian marketing associations for marketing researchers in Asia. The first ICAMA was held in Seoul, Korea in 2014. The second ICAMA in Tokyo, Japan in 2015, the 3rd ICAMA in Beijing, China in 2017, the 4th ICAMA in Bangkok in Thailand in 2020” with the help of major universities in Asia. Researchers who are interested in marketing issues in Asia are all welcome to present their research. Come to share your ideas and find new friends in the most beautiful island in S. Korea!

Korean Marketing Association
President Sungho Lee
Conference Chair Jaihak Chung

▪ Special Issues and Sections


Best Papers of ICAMA 2022: Asia Marketing Journal will publish a special issue, “Sustainability, Ethics, and ESG Marketing for the New Decade” for best papers of ICAMA 2022, presented at the tracks of ICAMA 2022. Guest Editor: Professor Molan Kim, UNIST, Korea, Email: mkim@unist.ac.kr, TEL: +82-52-217-3163.


Best Papers of ICAMA 2022: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics will publish a special section, “Marketing Evolution for ESG, Big Data, NFT, and Metaverse” for best papers of ICAMA 2022, presented at the tracks of ICAMA 2022. Guest Editor: Professor Jaihak Chung, Sogang University, Korea, Email: jaihak@sogang.ac.kr, TEL: +82-2-795-8859.


Best Papers of ICAMA 2022: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services will publish a special issue, “Evolution of Retailing and Marketing Channels in the Post Pandemic Era” for best papers of ICAMA 2022, presented at the tracks of ICAMA 2022. Guest Editors: Professor Jungkun Park, Hanyang University, Korea, Email: viroid2007@gmail.com, TEL: +82-2-2220-2691 and Weon S. Yoo, Korea University, Korea, Email: wyoo@korea.ac.kr, TEL: +82-2-3290-2623.


Best Papers of ICAMA 2022: International Journal of Advertising will publish a special issue, “Advertising in new trend of digital media evolution” for best papers of ICAMA 2022, presented at the tracks of ICAMA 2022. Guest Editors: Professor Yung Kyun Choi, Dongguk University, Korea, Email: choiyung@dgu.edu, TEL: +82-2-2260-3817 and Professor Ji Hee Song, University of Seoul, Korea, Email: jiheesong@uos.ac.kr, TEL: +82-2-6490-2240.

▪ Conference Schedule *tentative

Date Time Schedule
Day 1
(Thursday, Oct. 27)
17:00−19:00 Registration
18:00−20:00 Welcome Reception (Restaurant “South Bounder”)
Day 2
(Friday, Oct. 28)
08:30– 09:00 Opening Ceremony
Welcomespeeches by presidents of sponsoring Asian marketing associations andconference chair
09:10−11:00 Keynote Speeches
-“Emerging Issues in Marketing Communications Research” Charles Ray Taylor(IJA Editor-in-Chief)
- “Accessorizingthe Metaverse: Bling with Luxury NFTs”
Ian Phau (APJML Editor-in-Chief),
11:10-12:00 Meeting Editors
- Speech:Harry Timmermans (JRCS Editor-in-Chief)
Panelist:Charles Ray Taylor (IJAEditor-in-Chief), Ian Phau (APJML Editor-in-Chief), Ji Hee Song (AMJEditor-in-Chief)
12:00−13:00 Networking Lunch(“Flows”)
Track I: Emerging Markets in Asia 13:00−14:20 EmergingMarkets in Asia
Social,Environmental, and Sustainable Marketing
14:30−15:50 Aging& Cross-cultural Marketing in Asia
16:00−17:20 BrandStrategy
17:30-18:50 QualitativeResearch
Track II: New Trends in Marketing 13:00−14:20 NewTrends in Marketing
14:30−15:50 ESGand ethics for marketing
16:00−17:20 Bigdata & Marketing Science
17:30-18:50 Metaverse& NFT Marketing
Track III: Core Marketing Studies in Asia 13:00−14:20 ConsumerBehaviors Ⅰ
14:30−15:50 ConsumerBehaviors Ⅱ
16:00−17:20 ConsumerBehaviors Ⅲ
17:30-18:50 ConsumerBehaviors Ⅳ
Track IV: 4PStrategies in Asia  13:00−14:20 CommunicationStrategy
14:30−15:50 RetailStrategy Ⅰ
16:00−17:20 RetailStrategy Ⅱ
17:30-18:50 RetailStrategy Ⅲ
18:00−20:00 AwardCeremony & Dinner Party
Day 3
(Saturday,Oct. 29)
09:00−02:00 TourProgram

▪ Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline: August 31, 2022

Paper Acceptance Notification: September 15, 2022

Proceedings Submission Deadline: September 30, 2022
 (The full papers for the special issues or section of the sponsoring journals are required to be submitted for proceedings)

Early Bird Registration Deadline: August 20, 2022

Final Registration Deadline: October 1, 2022

▪ Proceedings

All accepted papers can be published in the proceedings published online. The full paper option can be selected only if the paper is submitted to an English track in the full paper format. (Editor of the conference proceeding, Prof. Yongwan Park email: ywpark1974@gnu.ac.kr)

▪ Notice on your presentation

The conference timetable has been finalized. By clicking the link below, you can check which session is for your presentation and when to make a presentation.


Please bring your presentation file to the session room for your presentation. Presenters are given maximum 15 minutes for presentation.

▪ Awards

The ICAMA Award Committee will provide the best conference paper awards. Submitted papers will be also considered for honorable mentions and the best doctoral students’ paper awards. The committee will also bestow several distinguished service awards. Only papers submitted in the full paper format will be considered for awards. Papers from global tracks that are awarded best and honorable mentions will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Asia Marketing Journal.

▪ For Further Information

Conference Chair, Jaihak Chung (jaihak@sogang.ac.kr)

Conference Director: Woojung Chang (wchang3@uos.ac.kr)

International Affair Manager: Changju Kim (cjkim777@fc.ritsumei.ac.jp)

Editor of the Conference Proceedings: Yongwan Park (ywpark1974@gnu.ac.kr)

Conference Venue Manager: Seonghyun Bang (qkd789456@u.sogang.ac.kr)

Registration: Jihyeon Heo (kma.Jihyeon@gmail.com)